760 Roosevelt, Irvine, CA 92620, USA

Connections with Imagination


InfoComm USA 2023

InfoComm USA 2023 將於6月14日至6月16日在美國奧蘭多的奧蘭治郡會議中心舉行。



  • Beacon AIoT Systems   Beacon 人工智慧物聯網系統
  1. 非穿戴、零接觸、無攝影機,且無竊聽的人工智慧物聯網系統。
  2. 即時生命徵象監測。
  3. 利用生命徵象來控制電動床和連接的周邊設備,如照明、電視、音響系統、冷暖空調、警報系統、窗簾、門鎖等。
  4. 事件通知。
  5. 睡眠品質報告。
  6. 生命徵象數據可以本地或存儲在雲端中。
  • Sorento mmWave Radar Systems
  1. 跌倒檢測。
  2. 人流計數。
  • 4K AI Conference Cameras; Great performance for less
  1. 自動追蹤。
  2. 自動群組裁框。
  3. 畫廊和全景視圖。
  4. 人流統計。
  5. 人臉辨識(選項)。
  6. 自動講者追蹤(選項)。
  • OWLink 4K@60 4:4:4 Uncompressed Video over IP
  1. 提供音頻、視頻和控制信號 20Gbps頻寬。
  2. 具備4K@60 4:4:4無壓縮IP傳輸的功能,零延遲且無色彩損失。非常適合醫療手術室影像集成系統、軍事指揮中心系統、監控安全系統等應用。
  3. 使用高達25G的網絡交換機實現矩陣切換,消除了點對點擴展傳輸和專用矩陣交換機的需求。
  4. 透過 OWLink直觀指揮系統,輕鬆管理發射器和接收器

Latest News

InfoComm USA 2023

InfoComm USA 2023 will be held during June 14 through June 16 at ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER, Orlando, USA.

OWLink will participate the event and showcase the most innovation technology to the world.

At the booth #4088, we look forward to your visit and feedback regarding our new products:

  • Beacon AIoT Systems
  1. Non-wearable, contactless, no camera, and non-eavesdropping AIoT System.
  2. Real-time vital signs monitoring.
  3. Using the vital signs to control adjustable bed and connected devices like lighting, television, audio system, HVAC, alarm, curtains, door locks, etc.
  4. Event Notification.
  5. Sleep Quality Report.
  6. Vital signs data can be stored either locally or in the cloud.
  • Sorento mmWave Radar Systems
  1. Fall detection
  2. People counting
  • 4K AI Conference Cameras; Great performance for less
  1. Auto tracking
  2. Auto group framing
  3. Gallery and panoramic view
  4. People Counting
  5. Face recognition (Option)
  6. Auto speaker tracking (Option)
  • OWLink 4K@60 4:4:4 Uncompressed Video over IP
  1. Provides 20Gbps of bandwidth for audio, video, and control.
  2. Features 4K@60 4:4:4 uncompressed video over IP transmission with zero latency and no color loss. Ideal for medical operating room imaging integration systems, military command center systems, surveillance security systems, etc.
  3. Use up to 25G network switches to achieve matrix switching, eliminating the need for point-to-point extension transmission and dedicated matrix switches.
  4. Easy managing transmitters and receivers with the OWLink Intuitive Commander.
Connections with Imagination